"The sci-fi thriller unfolds amidst vengeful relationships, insatiable desire, public outrage and mobiles that pack 1,000-volt electric nodes, pepper spray capability - Steve Jobs take note"
"Behe's dialogue brings a hip, hyper-real energy to his plot, while Elliot's deceptively plain artwork evokes a shabby world of compromised morals"
Mainstream social is DEAD!
Content censorship, sponsored spam, cancel culture and inciter-banning means everyone who's anyone is on the dark web.
And no one knows it better than Tucker Scott.
Rampant cyberbullying. Fake news trolling. Spying, voyeurism and privacy invasion. This is Contraband, the ruthless entrepreneurs’ digital underground - where profit-hungry mobs prowl city streets filming violent events to satisfy society’s demand for sensational content.
But when activists hack Contraband giving control to any influencer with the most followers, it's complete chaos as everybody chases the money and fame of being number one!
"As visionary as the technology Behe writes about "
"Behe's critique of the public's willingness to watch all manner of depravity is a righteous, if not an original, one."
"Behe’s twisty take stands out because it’s laden with surprises and has an urgent immediacy to it."
"Beneath Contraband's ultra stylish cover lies a tale of high action and drama in a very near future where technology and communications have become inescapable."
Picture YouTube in HD with illegal content downloadable on your hi-tech cell phone. Envision “voyeur violence” captured by bands of amateurs, recorded and broadcast worldwide on an illicit cell phone network to be distributed directly to your mobile. Picture this, and you have the basis of the new graphic novel, Contraband.
This dark noir paints a bleak picture of our future, a society where profit-hungry youths prowl the streets armed with camera phones to record violent scenes, some of which they instigate to satisfy society’s accelerated demand for sensational, violent, erotic, on-the-go entertainment.
HDVideoPro caught up with Thomas Behe over in the UK, the architect of Contraband who teamed up with artist Phil Elliott to create the book. Behe gave his views on our hi-tech future and what it could mean to our techno-centric society.
HDVP: Contraband is a shocking view of the near future, but one that can easily be imagined. Is today’s YouTube generation evolving into tomorrow's Contraband?
Thomas Behe: Yes, I do believe capturing video on cell phones is next stage in this so-called social networking evolution. Today, footage of cool news, freaky events or celebrity meltdowns hit the Internet within a few hours. But imagine if you had millions of people armed with high-res, user-friendly camera phones ready to run on the fly? The lead-time suddenly shrinks to minutes—or even seconds!